Prof Iqbal Parker appointed ASSAf representative in the IAP BWG

Prof Iqbal Parker appointed ASSAf representative in the IAP BWG

Prof Iqbal Parker, Chair of the Standing Committee on Biosafety and Biosecurity, is the official ASSAf representative in the IAP Biosecurity Working Group (BWG). The BWG’s terms of reference are aligned with some of the Standing Committee’s objectives and we look forward to meaningful and fruitful engagements. The committee and ASSAf also wishes Prof Parker well in this role.  

A sub-group of the committee met in October 2020 where they explored some available funding opportunities but also suggested ways of reviewing funding opportunities for relevance to ASSAf projects.  

In December 2020, the 16-member committee says goodbye to two members whose terms of office in the committee comes to an end. Dr Chandré Gould (Institute for Security Studies) and Dr Rachel Chikwamba (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) have contributed immensely to the committee over the years and ASSAf extends its deep gratitude to both. Dr Chandré Gould also concurrently served as a panel member for an ASSAf study released in 2015 (The State of Biosafety and Biosecurity in South Africa) and several other ASSAf initiatives, her dedication is thus much appreciated.