The Launch of the ASSAf Inclusivity Initiative on Gender Equity And Persons With Disabilities at Science Forum South Africa 2023

The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)’s Transformation Strategy calls for the removal of barriers to equal participation in the science, technology and innovation (STI) ecosystem as well as widening access to scientific information. Gender and race have been the forefront variables due to our country’s history, however, ASSAf has incorporated disability barriers (inclusive of mental disabilities) as part of the key component in enhancing full societal participation in STI.

ASSAf will be launching the ASSAf Inclusivity Initiative on Gender Equity and Persons with Disabilities at Science Forum South Africa 2023 on 7 December, CSIR ICC, Pretoria at 15:30 – 17:00. The Initiative aims to enhance inclusive participation in STI and foster partnerships to advance the agenda, in line with the objectives of the DSI Decadal Plan in STI. Through this initiative ASSAf further aims to foster the empowerment of women and young girls and also amplify the voices of persons with disabilities, particularly by focusing on innovation as a tool for inclusivity. Discussions at the launch will address the barriers that prevent women and persons with disabilities from fully participating in the national system of innovation (NSI) and more importantly focus on recommendations for solutions to remove barriers that hinder wide participation by persons with disabilities, and how innovation can be a tool to enhance equity. We invite all members of society to be in attendance.

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