
The Academy is governed by a Council comprising 13 members. Twelve are elected from the membership and one is appointed by the Minister as representative of the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI).

The Academy has five office-bearers: the President, two Vice-Presidents, General Secretary and Treasurer.

The Council has constituted an Executive Committee comprising the office-bearers. The purpose of the Executive Committee is to streamline Council operations and to allow for decision-making on important matters in the intervals between Council meetings. In addition, the Council has a Human Resources Committee and an Audit and Risk Committee.

The Academy’s activities are guided by the Academy of Science of South Africa Act as amended by the Science and Technology Laws Amendment Act and a set of established regulations that collectively comprise the Academy’s Constitution.

The Academy of Science of South Africa Act (Act 67 of 2001)
This Act establishes the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), which provides evidence-based scientific advice on issues of public interest to government and other stakeholders. ASSAf regularly publishes its findings and recommendations. It acknowledges the achievements of South African scientists in order to develop the intellectual capacity of the nation and promote innovative, scholarly thinking. 

Science and Technology Laws Amendment Acts (Act No. 9 of 2020) (Act No. 7 of 2014) (No. 16 of 2011)
The purpose of the Acts was to amend the Acts of various science entities, including ASSAf, so as to harmonise processes relating to membership of boards/councils of sections dealing with matters that are contained in the Public Finance Management Act, 1999. Section 2 of the Academy of Science of South Africa Act, 2001, was amended by the deletion of subsection (2):

(2) The Academy must comply with the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act. No. 1 of 1999).

 In addition, ASSAf has a set of established regulationsthat collectively comprise the Academy’s Constitution.

ASSAf complies with the Government Regulations with regard to the appointment of suppliers. Suppliers must register on the National Treasury Central Supplier Database via this link :