Khulisa Journals

Khulisa Journals is a federated journal management platform, using the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) Open Journal Systems (OJS) open source software. “Khulisa” is a word in the Nguni languages that are indigenous to southern and eastern Africa. It means “to grow or foster the development of a person or community”. This is exactly what we would like to achieve through this platform, namely to grow the peer-reviewed open access scholarly journals in South Africa through the Khulisa Journals community.

The platform is managed and hosted by the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), and international best practices regarding scholarly publishing are applied. SciELO SA journals in need of a journal management platform make use of Khulisa Journals. The following peer-reviewed open access journals are currently included on this platform:

African Entomology (Open Access from 2022)
Clean Air Journal
Journal of Energy in Southern Africa
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal
South African Crime Quarterly
South African Dental Journal
South African Journal of Agricultural Extension
South African Journal of Science
South African Journal of Sports Medicine
Tydskrif vir Letterkunde

The Khulisa Journals platform can be accessed here.