Environment and Health

Recently, ASSAf commenced activities which can be broadly categorised under the theme of environment and health.

Environmental Health

Environmental Health was the theme for a collaborative workshop hosted in June 2015 in Pretoria, together with the German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, as part of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between ASSAf and Leopoldina. The workshop also included representatives from the Academies of Ghana and Ethiopia, as well as young scientists from across Africa.

The workshop proceedings report includes the state of the environment and heath in Ethiopia, Germany, Ghana and South Africa. It also contains discussions on solar ultraviolet radiation, water pollution and air pollution

Artisanal Mining

ASSAf collaborated with the Sudanese National Academy of Sciences (SNAS) in the hosting of a workshop on “The Impacts of Artisanal Gold Mining in Sudan”. The workshop was held in Khartoum in September 2014. The workshop proceedings report describes the threats to surface and ground water and other environmental impacts as a result of unregulated artisanal mining in Sudan.  

Ocean Sciences in Africa

A roundtable discussion on ocean sciences in Africa was held on 25 and 26 July 2016 in Mauritius. The event was hosted by the US Department of State. One of the significant outcomes was the promotion of ocean sciences at all levels in all coastal countries, with ASSAf offering to be the central point of correspondence for southern Africa.
Click here to view the Declaration.
Click here to view the Programme