The African Scientists Directory connecting African scientists globally

The African Scientists Directory was launched virtually on Africa Day, 25 May 2020, as part of the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) Africa Day celebrations. Both the International Science Council Regional Office for Africa (ISC-ROA) and ASSAf participated in the launch, through delivering a brief presentation on the rationale behind the Directory. The Directory is funded by the DSI and maintained and managed by ISC-ROA, with technical and other support by ASSAf. The Directory is endorsed by the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC), the African Academy of Sciences (AAS), and The World Academy of Sciences Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Partner (TWAS-SAREP).

Purpose of the African Scientists Directory

The purpose of the African Scientists Directory is:

  • to identify and mobilise African scientists in the natural and social sciences, humanities, engineering, and mathematics as well as technology; and
  • to advance the sustainable and socio-economic development of individual African countries and the continent at large.

Furthermore, the Directory is expected to:

  • enhance and foster connectivity/collaborative transdisciplinary research between scientists in Africa, in particular, and those from the global south in general;
  • facilitate the free flow of scientists and scientific knowledge across borders while building trust between the African science community;          
  • promote the participation of African scientists in science activities on the continent and worldwide thereby increasing their impact and visibility;
  • ensure efficient scientific information collation and transfer between scientists in Africa;
  • promote and facilitate the formation of scientific societies and academies within the continent as well as sub-regional partnerships on the continent;
  • promote and facilitate capacity building in Africa, including supporting post-graduate training programmes for early-career scientists.

Requirements to be included in the Directory

The African Scientists Directory targets African scientists with Doctoral degrees (and Master’s degrees in engineering and health sciences) who have contributed and are contributing to research on the continent. Scientists are encouraged to submit their professional details to the Directory, in 3 easy steps: Register — Login — Create a Listing. Verification emails will be sent upon successful (i) registration and (ii) creation of listing

The submission and hosting of scientist profiles are free of charge and selected professional data available as Open Access to all science stakeholders. Should you be interested in partnering with the Directory, click here. 

Status of the African Scientists Directory

The African Scientists Directory is growing and the number of scientists registering increases daily. Marketing and advocacy efforts are ongoing, and we rely on scientists to also share this initiative within their respective networks, so that it becomes a database for scientists, developed by scientists. To date, 2 252 users have registered on the Directory, 780 profiles have been created, of which 420 have been reviewed and published and 360 profiles are pending review.

Scientists, funders, decision makers, research groups and others are encouraged to consult this Directory for professional purposes.