The African Scientists Directory – collaboratively developed by the International Science Council (ISC) Regional Office for Africa (ROA) and the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) during 2020, with funding made available by the South African Department of Science and Innovation – seeks to provide relevant information on African experts in the natural and social sciences, humanities, engineering and mathematics. Since April 2021 the maintenance and management of the directory became the responsibility of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), following the closing of the International Science Council (ISC) Regional Office for Africa (ROA) offices.
This directory aims to: (i) facilitate the free flow of scientists and scientific knowledge across the borders; and promote the participation of African scientists in activities of the global scientific community; (ii) ensure efficient information transfer from the global scientific community to the scientific community in Africa; and the collection and dissemination of any valuable scientific information for Africa; and (iii) promote and facilitate the formation of scientific societies and academies within the continent as well as sub-regional partnerships on the continent. The directory also promotes and facilitates capacity building in Africa, including support for post-graduate training programmes for early-career scientists.
The directory this far contains more than 1,800 scientist profiles, all verified and evaluated before being published, across all science disciplines, and from all African countries. ASD literally tries to be the “Who’s Who” of science on the African continent. We would like to encourage all to share this directory within their networks, register their profiles on the directory, and utilise it for professional purposes, e.g. to identify peer-reviewers in a specific discipline, identify external examiners, identify collaborators as part of funded projects, and many more. Another benefit of this directory is that we will communicate science news to you, according to your area/s of work, rather than bombarding you with science news irrelevant to you and which can so easily lead to email fatigue. The general public can also access the directory and contact scientists through the online form, getting in touch with experts who can verify information in the combat against fake news.
To search the directory, visit Find a Scientist.
To register your profile, do so at Register.