The Committee shall focus on scholarly publishing in all its forms, as well as related matters that concern access to copyrighted materials, quality assurance of scholarly output, questionable publishing practices, peer review, open science and open access publishing models, and standards in and from South Africa. The Committee should take a broad view of its role in commenting on the rapidly developing landscape of scholarly publishing and should provide advice on the way in which government, universities, and institutions should address the challenges of evolving publishing cost models.
CSPiSA Members
Phillip De Jager
Phillip de Jager works at the Department of Finance and Tax, University of Cape Town. Phillip does research in Accounting Scholarship, Financial Economics and Monetary Economics and is a National Research Foundation rated scientist (C2).
Gideon Els
Gideon Els have been a lecturer for more than 21 years and au fait with issues of research of publication. He is the editor of two DHET accredited academic journals and have published 12 academic articles. He reviewed 10 academic journals and is the editorial board member of one. Over the years he has successfully supervised 43 Master’s students and 7 Doctoral students. Having been tasked in 2005 to start an academic journal for use by South-African academics in the broader field of accounting and finance, proved to be an incalculable learning experience. With the expansion of the journal’s national and regional/African footprint in the past 4 years, he has come to believe that a quality South African listed journal can also cater for research published by African colleagues.
Irvy (Igle) Gledhill
Irvy (Igle) Gledhill is a Visiting Adjunct Professor at the University of the Witwatersrand. She was a scientist in Aeronautics in the Defence, Peace, Safety and Security Unit of the CSIR, her field is numerical modelling, with her principal research interest in computational fluid dynamics (the aerodynamics of acceleration). She has collaborated in infrastructure engineering models, and in molecular modelling (electronic structure methods). She is Past President of the South African Institute of Physics.
Roshan Cader
Roshan has been working as a scholarly commissioning editor for close to 20 years, first at the HSRC Press and since 2011 at Wits University Press. She has a deep understanding of the scholarly book publishing industry and has contributed to National Scholarly Book Publisher’s Forum (NSBPF) discussions for a number of years, in particular regarding peer review ‘best practice’ (she chaired the NSBPF sub-committee on Quality of South Africa’s Research Publications). In addition to her strong editorial and peer review skills, she is familiar with technological developments related to digital publishing as well as debates about new business models, such as those concerning OA books. In other words, she is able to strategise and debate future scenarios while maintaining traditional editorial standards.
Johann Mouton
Johann Mouton is Professor in, and Director of the Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology at Stellenbosch University and the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Scientometrics and STI Policy. He is on the editorial board of 5 international journals including the Journal of Mixed Methods Research, Science and Public Policy, Science, Technology and Society and Minerva. He has authored or co-authored 10 monographs including Understanding social research (1996), The practice of social research (2002, with E Babbie) and How to succeed in your master’s and doctoral studies (2001). He has also edited or co-edited 9 books, published 90 articles in peer reviewed journals and chapters in books, written more than 100 contract and technical reports and given more than 200 papers at national and international conferences and seminars. He has presented more than 60 workshops on research methodology and post-graduate supervision and supervised 82 doctoral and master’s students over the past twenty years. He has received two prizes from the Academy for Science and Arts in South Africa including one for his contribution to the promotion of research methodology in South Africa.
Caroline Ncube
Caroline Ncube is the DSI/NRF SARChI Research Chair in Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development in the Department of Commercial Law at the University of Cape Town (UCT). She holds a PhD (University of Cape Town), LLM (University of Cambridge) and LLB (University of Zimbabwe). In addition to teaching and post-graduate research supervision at UCT, she also lectures on the Master’s Degree in Intellectual Property (MIP) jointly offered by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) and Africa University (AU). She is a member of various academic associations such as the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), the South African Association of Intellectual Property Law and Information Technology Law Teachers and Researchers (AIPLITL) and the Society of Law Teachers of Southern Africa (SLTSA). She is affiliated with the University of Ottawa as an Associate Member, Centre for Law, Technology and Society.
Denise Nicholson
Denise Nicholson is a Scholarly Communications and Copyright Consultant at Scholarly Horizons Consultancy. She was the Scholarly Communications Librarian, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa from 1996 to 2020. Since 2002, Denise has served a number of terms on the International Federation of Libraries and Institutions (IFLA)’s Advisory Committee for Copyright and Other Legal Matters and is currently an Expert Advisor to this Committee. She was a member of its Workgroup on a Treaty for Libraries and Archives (2007-2015). She is also on IFLA’s e-Lending Workgroup and is a resource person for the Access to Information Network – Africa (ATINA). In 2006, she was the first librarian from a developing country to attend a WIPO General Assembly and gave a presentation on ‘Libraries and the Development Agenda’. She was the SA representative on the Electronic Information for Libraries Network (EIFL) (2005-2010) and contributed to the EIFL Model Copyright Law.
Omwoyo Onyancha
Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha is a Research Professor at the Department of Information Science, University of South Africa. Prof Onyancha was the Chair of the Department of Information Science, University of South Africa, from July 2011 to September 2015. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Science from Moi University Kenya (1992), Master’s in Library and Information Science from the University of Zululand (2002) and a PhD in Library and Information Science from the University of Zululand (2007). He holds the National Research Foundation (NRF) C2 rating, which he obtained in 2013. His areas of research include Informetrics/Scientometrics/Bibliometrics/ Webometrics/Altmetrics, Information Resource Management (IRM), Management of Information Services, Knowledge management and organisation, and ICTs in LIS education and training.
Leslie Swartz
Leslie Swartz is Distinguished Professor at the Psychology Department at the University of Stellenbosch, and Editor-in-Chief of the South African Journal of Science (SAJS).
Keyan Tomaselli
Keyan Tomaselli is a Full Professor and a Fellow of the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Tomaselli started his media career in the film and TV industry in 1974, and then taught in the Wits School of Dramatic Art. In 1981, he joined Rhodes University’s Journalism and Media Studies. He completed his PhD in 1984 and relocated to Durban in 1985 to establish what is now known as CCMS. He worked in the film industry and was co-writer of the White Paper on Film. His seminal books include The Cinema of Apartheid and Appropriating Images (1996). He is a Fellow of the University of KwaZulu-Natal and was a Smithsonian Research Associate in its Department of Anthropology. His interests are political economy, African cinema and visual anthropology.
David Walwyn
David Walwyn is a Professor in the Graduate School of Technology Management at the University of Pretoria. His research interests cover sustainability transitions, renewable energy, science and innovation policy, research management and industry localisation. He currently teaches two courses in engineering economics and three courses in energy value chains. He supervises at least 15 Masters students each year on the management of technology programme offered by the University of Pretoria and has two PhD students. He has published widely in the area of science and technology policy, research management, health sciences and biotechnology (1 patent, 39 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 6 book chapters and 44 conference papers: further details at Dr Walwyn has a B.Sc. Chemical Engineering from the University of Cape Town and a PhD in Organic Chemistry from the University of Cambridge.