The South African Young Academy of Science (SAYAS), founded in September 2011, is calling for applications for new members. This letter is to request nominations of outstanding young scientists who may be elected as members of SAYAS. In the founding year (2011), 20 young scientists were elected. 10 new members have been elected progressively on an annual basis and in 2024, a minimum of 10 new members will be elected. After five years of service, members will become alumni and will be replaced by newly elected members.
To qualify for nomination, a candidate should meet the following criteria:
- Be in possession of a PhD or equivalent degree in any field of scientific enquiry, where science is defined broadly as encompassing natural sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities, medical sciences and engineering;
- Be under the age of 40 years and within 7 years from award of a PhD at the time of nomination. Nomination of candidates who deviate from this profile requires additional motivation;
- Evidence of scientific excellence through a proven publication record, and receipt of honours and awards;
- Evidence of activities demonstrating service to society;
- Be willing to actively work towards achieving the goals of SAYAS as well as a commitment to attending the Annual General Meetings (AGM).
Institutions/associations/individuals may nominate more than one candidate. Self-nominations shall also be considered, provided that the nomination is endorsed by the nominee’s institution. Please use the attached 2024 form to apply or nominate suitable candidates. Moreover, kindly assist us in circulating the call widely to your databases and networks.
Applicants are requested to fully complete the nomination form and send the completed form together with the supporting documents at once to the SAYAS Secretariat at by 30 June 2024. Late submissions will not be considered.
NB: Instructions for Nominators of Applicants to the South African Young Academy of Science
The South African Young Academy of Science (SAYAS) seeks to elect the country’s leading emerging researchers in basic and applied science, engineering, social sciences, arts and the humanities. In addition to their demonstrated research excellence, candidates should also be able to show an ongoing commitment to improving South Africa through academically motivated engagement in community development, capacity building and mentoring activities.
Successful applicants should demonstrate some of the following achievements:
- A career significantly in advance of their peers of similar age, as evidenced by for example: publication record; early appointment to a professorship or other senior tenured position; successful leadership and completion of major research projects; National Research Foundation (NRF) rating; heading a research laboratory or group
- Publications in leading journals
- Receipt of major national and/or international academic awards
- Service on national committees (government, civil society, private sector or similar)
- Appointment or election to senior roles in national or international academic organisations or professional societies
- Starting a successful company to develop and commercialise research
- Involvement in community development, capacity building and mentoring activities
Note: Be willing to actively work towards achieving the goals of SAYAS as well as a commitment to attending the Annual General Meetings (AGM).
The nominator (which does not need to be a SAYAS member) should include the following information in the letter of support:
- A brief description of your current professional position;
- Details of how long and in what capacity you have known the applicant;
- An explanation of why you believe that the applicant should be considered one of the top-ranked young scientists at the national level, as evidenced by the criteria listed above, or similar achievements;
- Your opinion on the commitment demonstrated by the applicant to the delivery of any practical impact from their research, which might include economic, social, environmental or other benefits; and
- Your opinion on how the applicant could both contribute towards and benefit from the activities of the South African Young Academy of Science.
All information supplied will be treated in confidence and used only for the purpose of adjudicating applications to join SAYAS.
We look forward to your applications and nominations.